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02/13/15 9:23 AM

#68923 RE: ChanceVision #68921

I don't give a damn who goes to Allendale, CV..............I spent a hour last night on Google Street View trying to come up with the address using mailboxes or anything I could use to come up with an address number. I do not have the actual number for the Field of Weeds...when I went there in September I had to pull into Collum Lumber Mill and ask some guys: "Where is the biocoal plant being built around here?" They pointed me to Knox Grant's construction trailer across the street. The Google Earth image is VERY accurate and was recorded in MOST no more than 6 weeks ago. It CLEARLY shows Grant's foundation, his trailer and the biomass equipment still sitting next to the "canola oil" guy's 40 acres. The Google Street View is from 2013 when the entire site was a corn field!