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02/12/15 7:46 PM

#231657 RE: arizona1 #231656

Boehner rages against Dem obstruction.....Harry Reid trolls him right back

The GOP actually has to govern instead of block everything....and it isn't working out so well.....

WASHINGTON — House Republican leaders on Wednesday flatly rejected a plea from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to pass a separate Homeland Security funding bill to avert a shutdown of the department on Feb. 27.

Boehner showed a flash of anger when pressed on the GOP's failing strategy.

"Why don't you ask the Senate Democrats when they're going to get off their ass and do something," he told reporters, "other than to vote no?"

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid's (D-NV) office shot back at Boehner, with a hint of glee over GOP struggles to resolve the standoff.

"We know Speaker Boehner is frustrated but cursing is not going to resolve the squabbling among Republicans that led to this impasse," Adam Jentleson, Reid's spokesman, said in an email. "The Republican Congress is a mess, pure and simple."

He claimed Republicans are in this jam because Boehner and McConnell are "unwilling to stand up to Senator Cruz."