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02/12/15 11:20 AM

#2638 RE: MoneyMaker20 #2636

Exactly. This one didn't go well for me but I am making loot elsewhere. I did get in late but it's okay. Can't win them all. :)

You can ask Ninja about the boat guy. LOL.


02/12/15 11:29 AM

#2642 RE: MoneyMaker20 #2636

Look, I wasn't blaming anybody, nor was I trying to be greedy. Hardly, just trying to cover. I bought in @ .0038 and yes should have sold for a short profit but it seemed like it was going to uptrend past .005 on the 3rd dip and it never did. What I was complaining about is that the very next day, it was pretty obvious where the stock was going, and Ninja kept pumping it and then went completely silent in power hour. I get it, a man has other stuff to do, BUT when you have the ability to tweet about another stock you've shifted to, it doesn't take much to follow up on a crapper and just say hey looks like Level 2 doesn't look good or what not. Its pretty obvious by the time he announces a stock hes already bought in, so in way before I was. I don't know, Im just saying, if a guy wants to take the lead and enjoy that status, it behooves a man to acquire thick skin, handle the criticism even if its not 100% warranted, and also provide a nice closing bit of support at the end of a pump. Im not bitter at you or Ninja, I think hes a nice guy, just obviously doesn't like any constructive criticism or willing to say "Hey , yeah Ill try better next time since I want to be the big dog". - Most men will follow another man, if he treats those he follows with respect.