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02/11/15 4:00 PM

#41737 RE: eleniak #41735


With the exception of, "forward guidance…", I've addressed each of those points under and in the context of a significant increase in pps. Your comment of, "you're probably right, there's nothing to drive price up after all." is absolutely not what I stated nor implied. Please be fair when responding to other people's posts and try not to mischaracterize others comments.

In the interest of being fair, assuming all of these current trending rumors proved to be true and were publicly announced, I would think that there may be a quick (but probable short term) increase in the pps. My reasoning is that you'll see an initial PR buy and you'll see other people then sell on the increase. I am just not convinced that there is enough in what has currently been discussed to see huge gains.

For clarification, even with these new details emerging, I'm struggling to see how this new information (via an imminent announcement) would drive such demand for this stock that would increase it 5X (without going back to look, I believe people were stating $1/share). There simply isn't enough change to drive that kind of demand. I think that if the price doubled, that would be good for many on this Board, but I'd suggest that even that price point is highly unlikely. As noted previously, investors will be cautious due to historical record of GPSi management.

In my opinion, for there to be a real sustained demand for this stock, potential investors must see a tangible change in the running of the company. The scenarios I mentioned in my previous post and prior posts are just those kinds of tangible things that would drive demand for GPSi stock.

Hopefully this post makes more clear what I intended to communicate.