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05/11/06 11:07 PM

#2538 RE: Art2Gecko #2537

Michael Levine's Books>>>

Charming Your Way to the Top
Charm is good business. It can increase your income, improve your status, and establish and maintain your reputation. It can mean the difference, in many cases, between success and bankruptcy. Most businesspeople don't automatically understand the concept of charm. It ought to be a reflex to "turn on the charm" when dealing with customers, clients, associates, and employees. The value of charm has been made clear through opinion polls, scientific studies, and just plain old real life. It's true in politics. It's rare to hear Bill Clinton mentioned, for instance, without a comment following on his charm. And it's certainly true in entertainment, a whole business based on the money-making potential of charm.

This is true for the small businessperson as well. Charm draws customers, whether to a garage, a dry cleaner's, or an investment bank. Charm gets noticed. When a customer contacts a firm for the first time, charm can seal the deal. But charm is only partly innate. Much of it is learned-from your parents, from your friends, and from people like the author, who have made a lifelong point of paying attention to charm. And you can learn how to make it work for you. How to succeed in business with really trying? Charming Your Way To The Top.

Seven Life Lessons from Noah's Ark: How to Survive a Flood in Your Own Life
In 7 Life Lessons, We've all heard the story of Noah's ark, but what can this ancient allegory tell those of us struggling to find our bearings at the dawn of the 21st century? Plenty. Whether fact or fiction, the heroic Biblical tale reveals more than simply how to survive bad weather in an animal-packed boat built before power tools, air conditioning, and indoor plumbing. In 7 Life Lessons from Noah's Ark, author Michael Levine interprets the story of Noah in terms of its universal human truths, inspiring us to take the helm in our own personal voyages. With grace and humor, he invites us to see challenging events in our lives not as inundating disasters, but as watershed opportunities to reevaluate, hone, and mold us into who we really are or who we want to become.

Guerrilla PR
Every fortune 500 corporation, movie star, and scandal queen can attest that a good publicist is essential to building success and maintaining public support. For the small business owner, the entrepreneur, or undercapitalized beginner seeking an edge in a highly competitive arena, here are the resources necessary to mount your own campaign and get the media exposure you need. In clear and concise language, Michael Levine, one of the top public relations counselors in the country, reveals the same procedures he uses every day to get press on major stars - and how those strategies can be utilized on little or no budget. Using case histories, tips from his own experiences, and by providing important weapons - including the Ten Commandments of Guerilla P.R. and a start-up list of important contacts - Levine shows you how to think like a publicist and map out a strategy for success. This book is for people who need to engage the media and want quick and ingenious methods to bridge the gap between their message and the public.
The Most Used Public Relations Guide in the World!

A Branded World
A Branded World looks at branding from the unique perspective of one of America’s premier PR executives. In it, Michael Levine proves PR is a tool just as effective at turning everyday products into widely recognized brands as it is at turning talented artists into household names. Though it has a certain mystery to it, there’s nothing mystical about PR. Behind the scenes, it’s a discipline, one that can be taught and learned, practiced and analyzed.

Guerrilla PR Wired
Guerilla PR Wired transfers Levine’s low-cost down-and-dirty PR tactics and techniques to today’s Internet. This on-the-fly publicity battle guide provides detailed, step-by-step instructions for attracting major attention to yourself, your product, or your service, without tapping your promotional budget for thousands or even hundreds of dollars. It’s effective PR that’s fast, easy, and there for the taking – once you know how.


05/12/06 1:10 AM

#2549 RE: Art2Gecko #2537

go to the " very best of " to see the people and companies levine represents, they are humungous

What People Are Saying About Michael Levine

"One of Hollywood's brightest and most respected executives."

-USA Today

"This extraordinary level of service has set a high standard for other public relations firms to model."

-Los Angeles Sheriff Leroy D. Baca

"This award-winning firm serves as an inspiration for young entrepreneurs and has made many lasting contributions to strengthen the public relations and entertainment industries throughout the nation."

-New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg

"I am delighted to commend the men and women of Levine Communications Office"..."Your efforts have contributed immeasurably to the economic well-being of your community."

-Former President Bill Clinton

"Those of us in politics need all the wisdom we can get, and Michael Levine has plenty of it."

-Senator Bob Dole

"To another 'kid' that stayed in the picture: Congratulations to you and your staff on 20 spectacular years. Thanks for everything."

-Robert Evans

"Your extraordinary vision and leadership will continue to serve as an exemplary model for others to emulate."

-Senator Dianne Feinstein

"You should be very proud of all you've accomplished over the years. Best wishes for your future success"

-David Geffen

"Michael passes on wisdom beyond his years."

-Kathy Lee Gifford

"I applaud your commitment and service that your prestigious firm provides to the City of Los Angeles"

-Former Mayor James K. Hahn

"In the Missouri Ozarks, when anybody is able to reduce profound complexity to pithy, pertinent shirt-sleeved English - as Michael Levine does - it's said, 'He has a gift for shucking right down to the cob.' I'm glad Michael Levine labors on the side of propriety; he'd be a formidable adversary."

-Paul Harvey, syndicated radio commentator

"Your record of accomplishment in today's competitve and challenging business world is one you can all be very proud of."

-Senator Joseph I. Lieberman

"Your hard work and dedication to serve your clients has earned an honorable reputation and has brought all of you much success"

-Senator John McCain

"It has long been my feeling that there is too little aphoristic writing in the United States, and I welcome your texts."

-Prof. Wolfgang Mieder, Proverb Scholar and Author

"In his funny, subtle way, Michael Levine gives some good advice."

-Thomas S. Monaghan, Founder of Domino’s Pizza

"I loved Michael’s Lessons at the Halfway Point"

-Tom Peters, Author

"Michael Levine’s words have power and wisdom. They have truly moved me."

-Dennis Prager, Radio & Television Talk Show Host

"America should declare Michael Levine the 51st state of the Union."

-Richard Rodriguez, Author, Syndicated Columnist

"My peer and the Real McCoy"

-Liz Smith

"Never think that a small action done to your neighbor is not worth much. It is not how much we do that is pleasing to God, but how much love we put into the doing. God Bless you."

-Mother Theresa

"Beyond Michael Levine’s remarkable wit, is a laser-accurate, soul-deep wisdom incredibly perceptive for our times."

-Dr. Denis Waitley, Author

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05/12/06 7:59 AM

#2555 RE: Art2Gecko #2537

Art, Thanks for all you do finding this info. You run this board better than any of the other boards I have seen and really stay on top of it. GLTA