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02/09/15 10:08 PM

#83828 RE: Pr0xy_5pid3r #83824

Ok got my questions and answers here. Calling Mike in the morning for a few more.

Mike my whole concern is that you have been associated with a number of stocks.

I have not posted for months on any board. I was really excited to be with PBHG and TDEY since those companies were owned by the same CEO who was buying Jazz Candles. So yes I was excited that they gave me some a few million share of PBHG as good faith that they would buy my company. I waited so long for them to give me my money. They never did. Not my fault they could not deliver. If they had of actually bought Jazz Candle with they amount of business I was already doing on top of what they had for their direct sales marketing they would of made millions. It was not a lie in the PR because I had received shares of PBHG and told them they could use the name. I just wanted my money before I moved the company to Dallas. What else was I suppose to do or believe? That was not my fault or a lie by me.

My concern is AVEW as I have 30 m mostly bought during the peak.

What happened to the cc's? And the weekly as you were going to announce on Twitter?

I made it perfectly clear in the email that was posted that when I had to start up the candle business again it required a tremendous amount of my time. Not only the candle business but I have a pool business to run as well. My business comes first and foremost then any conference call. I was doing that as a courtesy to let everyone know what was happening. I did not even have to be doing that. Beside every time I did one all every one did was say they were a waste of time.

Man your good at the scams you play. I'll give you that get in a the bottom and then get out at the top. Are you still in AVEW?

What is the scam? I still own 500 million share of the company. I still have not 1 but 2 convertible notes with the company that I can't even convert until late February 24th, 2015 and the other not until June 27th, 2015. I paid more for the convertible note share price then what it is trading at today. So how the hell have I sold out at the top when I can't even convert my shares until at least one year? You are way off base with your thinking.

Can't fought you for your style. Just wish I knew what was going to happen. I'm stuck and thank god I have a other means.

Once again what style? The company has told you what is happening. You just choose not to believe them. That is your choice! They have done all the acquisitions they have announced and have stated they will do $15 million in revenue for 2015

Also are you saying the Aqu. of jazz candles was a bs PR?

No I have told you 2 times now that I got shares of the company but never got my money. So the PR's were not BS, they just could not get the money owned to my. So I gave them a timeline of when I needed my money or they were not going to get my company. February till August was long enough for me to wait. If you have any other questions I see you have posted my number so call me and let's stop this back and forth BS. I have answered all your questions honestly! Once again if you have any questions you want me to answer call me. Funny how everyone wants to have some questions answered but nobody every calls when I'm willing to answer what I can.
