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02/08/15 10:58 AM

#21901 RE: linuspop #21888

The post regarding XXII corporate

being "pretty pathetic" happens to be a bulls eye. The lack of corporate responsibility is glaringly evident by the many delays and double talk conveyed by HS. The share price since 'big puff' got the axe by the "EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE" is proof that this group certainly is unable to shoot straight. This BOD has failed miserably and the fact that HS HAD TO CONVEY in a corporate release that HE AND HIS FAMILY HAVE NOT SOLD A SHARE is laughable. Like that is an endorsement of the present health of the company. You and your BOD have been instrumental by your actions as well as inactions in where the share price now resides imo.

The share price of XXII has plummeted like a brick, yet to date NOT ONE OF THE OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVES have made any public purchases of company stock in a show of support since they dumped 'big puff'. And to add to that the VP-Research & Development Dr. Moynihan has sold off some of his position. Now that is ultimate confidence by your lead scientist in the company. Check the Market Watch site below for all the numbers of corporate. Click on each one of the insiders to see their activity. HEY HARRY BUY XXII AND HAVE YOUR COMMITTEE (insiders) DO LIKEWISE! I guess leading by EXAMPLE is out the window and has been replaced by B/S, double talk, and a short sited view of XXII's future.

An invitation is conveyed to all members (insiders) of corporate XXII to prove me and many other loyal longs wrong by shoring up our company by opening up your wallets and buying LARGE in the open markets. And you and your cohorts had better pray that 'big puff' doesn't start dumping (post coup d'etat) in a big way or you all will be out of a job and all investors will lay blame directly on YOU AND YOUR B/S COMMITTEE! So my suggestion would be for you and your 'boys' to get off the stick and make positive things happen regarding XXII's future!