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05/21/01 8:59 PM

#2705 RE: Seahag #2702

>>If we allow such posts to remain are we open to a lawsuit as a director? If so I'm gonna have to step down. SH

Absolutely not. And you aren't held responsible for removing posts either.

Note to Everyone: When a Chairman/Director removes a post, they are doing one thing -- temporarily removing that post from view until I can review it to be officially hidden or restored. It's solely my decision. I would estimate that I restore *maybe* 1% of all deleted posts. Meaning, for the most part, that everyone does an impressive job.

What's funny is that people think our site is different from SI and RB. It's not. All deleted posts still get read by an Administrator and it's the Admin's decision. The only thing that bugs people that are here to harrass, is that it happens so dang quick. Kinda puts a fork in their plans.