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02/09/15 5:15 PM

#231581 RE: Dale C #231522

2016 Republican presidential clown car is packed and ready to go

Yeah, that John Bolton.

This Politico piece mentions George Pataki, Jim Gilmore, Bob Ehrlich, John (Mustache of War) Bolton, Rep. Peter (Terrorism (Funding) Expert) King and Carly (Demon Sheep) Fiorina as possible-maybe-just-putting-themselves-out-there contenders in the 2016 Republican presidential primaries, which bodes very badly for all the Republicans seeking to tamp down on the party crazy. And oh how they are tamping. Tamp, tamp, tamp.

Republicans are hopeful that reforms to their presidential election calendar — a shorter primary season and fewer debates — will eliminate that circus element that damaged the party heading into 2012. The half-dozen candidates who have no chance of winning but are vying for headlines and spots on the debate stage could undercut that goal.

That doesn't include the supposedly "serious" candidates, mind you. The debate stage is already likely to sport at least several of Rick Perry, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee and the brother of the president that managed to wreck nearly everything he set eyes upon, all of whom are quite capable of making the party look terrible on their own, thank you very much.

On Wednesday, Bush was asked whether he was nervous that the 2016 Republican primary might resemble the chaotic jumble it was in 2012 — “the cantina scene in Star Wars,” as the questioner put it. The former Florida governor said he was hopeful Republicans learned their lesson. “I think there will be some discipline,” he said.

What he's basing that on is unclear, but the Bush family is not famous for their prognostication abilities.

Anyhoo, the real lesson here is that possibly maybe running for president is something you do not because you want to be president, or think you have a chance at it, or because you have ideas that you really think could save America from the scourge of those other guys. You do it for the same reason Donald Trump does it: as a career boost.

[Former Romney aide Ryan Williams] pointed to former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who parlayed a strong but unsuccessful 2008 presidential primary into a career as a pundit and radio host. Other examples include Sarah Palin, the 2012 vice presidential nominee who became a major media personality, and Herman Cain, who launched a radio channel.

So if you run for president and fail badly, you get your own show? Can't wait to see the John Bolton Variety Hour.