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02/06/15 12:17 PM

#4792 RE: royallen #4791

Service, support and expertise??? LMAO What people are doing this? Does WEST have a customer service team hot line that people call? How are they getting paid???
No margins in panels? The cost of goods is higher than the revenues!!! They have negative margins! They lose money every time they sell a unit!! Please explain to me how a company can lose money on every unit sold, and stay in business. I would love to hear that busines strategy!! Anyone??

The only life line they have is Southridge and there is no guarantee that WEST can even use the 5 million available to them... "There is no guarantee that we will be able to fully utilize the Equity Line. There are limitations on the number of put shares that may be sold in each put. The number of put shares that Southridge shall be obligated to purchase in a given put shall not exceed the number of shares that, when added to the number of shares of our common stock then beneficially owned by Southridge, would exceed 9.99% of our shares of common stock outstanding. Thus, our ability to access the bulk of the funds available under the Equity Purchase Agreement depends in part on Southridge’s resale of stock purchased from us in prior puts. If with regard to a particular put, the share volume limitation is reached, we will not be able to sell the proposed put shares to Southridge. Accordingly, the Equity Line may not be available at any given time to satisfy our funding needs."

What then???