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02/05/15 8:10 PM


Henry has been in charge for about 2-3 months at the most. In that time Red Sun shipments have begun, Magic is due to ship to Europe within a week or two, and an additional USA distributor was announced (Cigar something or other). How much more did you expect him to do in that time frame? How could shareholder value rise dramatically when revenues (other than minor contract mfg)just began a couple of weeks ago? How do you know he has not been instrumental in having a China deal announced within the next 6-8 weeks?

Main point is your demands for instant deals and PR's seem very much IMO like micro-managing from the outside without having the information to make such demands or statements.

Other than China deal, this play is going to take time to build the revenues to cause the stock price to rise.

I don't see any new CEO being able to wave a magic wand for XXII and move the stock price significantly in a short time frame as a result.

Disclaimer: If this play was my main investment I would probably be a bit more demanding in a short term return on my investment whether I thought it reasonable or not.