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02/05/15 6:34 AM

#27768 RE: stervc #27764

Magnificent, Indisputable DD...



.02 SOON!!!!!!!!!!
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02/05/15 6:50 AM

#27769 RE: stervc #27764

Excellent Securities Exchange Commission Information/Confirmation, Clearly Stating The Deal Was Allowed to Move Forward!

IJJP, The More People Look,I Believe They Can See ...IJJP has Been Getting Things In Tip Top Shape Too Move On Too Greater Or Great Deals For IJJP & IJJP Shareholders.

These Securities Exchange Commission Document's, Really LOCK DOWN The *FACT's-IJJP IS Green Light Good &on Solid Ground with this.."Marijuana Deal" !!!

I Sincerely Appreciate the Depth of Your Superior Research & Open Sharing Of What Should End Any Further Unnecessary Bringing Up of this Issue, so Well Explained to the extent of Securities Exchange Commission *Document's That Lay It All Out Too The Positive side for IJJP !!!

Have a Great Day...
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02/05/15 6:59 AM

#27770 RE: stervc #27764

Notice: This Key Piece Of Securities Exchange Commission-Due Dilligence NEEDS a Place As A Sticky So People Understand This.....New & Vastly Improved IJJP IS Doing Things "TIGHT & RIGHT" !!!

IJJP THE Marijuana Deal Is Good !!!
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Stock Logics

02/05/15 7:03 AM

#27771 RE: stervc #27764

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02/05/15 7:43 AM

#27773 RE: stervc #27764

Excellent SEC CONFIRMATION STERVC. Much appreciated. Now we can truly confirm IJJP is the REAL DEAL!

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02/05/15 7:48 AM

#27774 RE: stervc #27764

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02/05/15 7:50 AM

#27776 RE: stervc #27764

WOW you are a DD MACHINE!!! This should cast away all doubt!!! Just as i suspected....IJJP is a REAL DEAL COMPANY!!!
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02/05/15 7:51 AM

#27777 RE: stervc #27764

This post should get sticky...Thank you for your hard work SIR!
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02/05/15 8:18 AM

#27780 RE: stervc #27764

Wow..very good as always Sterling!! Thank you!!
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Huggy Bear

02/05/15 8:24 AM

#27782 RE: stervc #27764

Thanks stervc. I look forward to reviewing all that tonight when I have the time to do it properly. Appreciate the input.
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02/05/15 9:27 AM

#27790 RE: stervc #27764

Thank You stervc! You truly are an incredible DD Machine!!! We are so lucky to have you here on IJJP!!!
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Stock Logics

02/05/15 9:39 AM

#27795 RE: stervc #27764

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02/05/15 12:46 PM

#27854 RE: stervc #27764

Stervc... Thank you very, VERY much for posting the online Request for Interpretive Advice submitted by Randall Goulding to the SEC Division of Corporate Finance along with notes he created memorializing his telephone conversation with "a female SEC representative" on August 25, 2014 from 2:39 to 3:04 PM CT.

Being that you and "Randy" Goulding are so confident that this telephone interaction represents "coordination" with the SEC and "confirms" agreement by the Commission's to "move forward" with this multi-issuer share distribution scheme, I'm sure neither of you object to me submitting it to the SEC as well along with the many reasons I believe that the scheme intentionally misuses/abuses the Section 3(a)(10) exemption as well as the Illinois federal court in an attempt to circumvent registration requirements for billions of shares being issued from six penny stock companies to Goulding himself (through his law firm) and various other individuals and entities.

If one takes the time to read both his request for interpretive advice and his notes, it's obvious the SEC staff member did NOT agree with Goulding's expansive interpretation of the application of the Section 3(a)(10) exemption as Goulding proposed. His notes seem to be a defense of his actions probably anticipating such a defense will be needed. The hubris shown in his notes is amazing.

The only way to get confirmation that the SEC does not object to use of the Section 3(a)(10) exemption from registration in a particular situation is to request a "no-action" letter. Because such a request necessarily includes the specific facts and circumstances involved, such a letter does conclusively state that the SEC staff would not recommend enforcement action against the requester based on the specific facts represented in the request.

Although requesting a no-action letter is not required before using the Section 3(a)(10) exemption, it is certainly wise to do so, particularly in such a convoluted deal as this which falls relies on interpretations of the statute beyond its clear intent and historically-approved application.

It is revealing that Goulding chose not to describe to the SEC the specific facts involved in this scheme -- which enriches himself and several other individuals through the issuance of free-trading unregistered stock -- by formally requesting a no-action letter before taking the scheme to the court for approval of the share issuances. No doubt he knew no such letter would be issued.

Regardless of the legality of using the Section 3(a)(10) exemption, the scheme is massively dilutive and relies on false and/or misleading information about non-existent, non-licensed medical marijuna farms and completely unsupported, hypothetical income streams supposedly to be shared with the six companies (IJJP, TWDL, HALB, ENTI, CWIR and GEAR) in the event that the indoor farms are developed, licensed and create income.

IMO there are serious violations of securities laws by multiple participants who have conspired in the scheme and sought to misrepresent it. I would not be surprised to see eventual enforcement action against individuals as well as the companies involved.

FWIW, this is not the first time I've seen this exemption used (abused) to improperly issue free-trading shares of penny stock companies. I've been aware of no-action letters, which can be requested regarding many actions a company or individual proposes to take, for years.
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Huggy Bear

02/05/15 8:33 PM

#27978 RE: stervc #27764

Thanks. I am going to have to learn how to take a screen shot and post it to address all these issues within here.

Is there any SEC correspondence back to Goulding's inquires available? I read Randall's responses, but an official SEC correspondence back would be preferable to, "she said".

I have to learn how to do this screenshot copy and paste thing. On the LTD, thanks. That way I can offer my thoughts on specific topics regarding this correspondence between the SEC and Goulding on this Section 3(a)(10) exemption.

On the weekend list of projects to do. Thanks for sharing.
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07/12/15 6:46 AM

#61423 RE: stervc #27764

Good posting and DD found here, thanks for the letter from the sec Sterling. Real interesting stuff & looks great. (see posting) Pope is honest. 3(a)(10). A funding method for (Federally Illegal) MARIJUANA Companies to move money into banks and other states imo. I know some people do not like the 320a, but whatever. Honestly I like to trade stock, and this one has some huge potential, with traders. I'm not scared at all. IJJP - Long, Legit, Strong & growing Stronger. IJJP

Link to Sterling 's Post very informative on the 3(a)10 and sec

response letter to ....

I like to trade stocks and when 310a comes up people almost always sell? wtf