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02/03/15 5:50 AM

#8192 RE: Hokie #8188

After the reverse and it is convertible if you call corporate they'll send you a prospectus if your an accredited investor


02/03/15 9:29 AM

#8194 RE: Hokie #8188

Funny post. Notice that I never flip flopped. If you had have bought a million shares back when vargass was pumping before the reverse split and held onto them, you'd have 50 shares today worth .0007 a piece. Lets say you got "lucky" and got in for a penny a share. You'd have spent $10,000, not counting commissions, and your investment would be worth three and a half cents today, and of course it would cost you way more to sell those 50 shares then they're worth. That's going to make me "flip flop and say it was a good trade?" I was right back then and am right today when I say that no matter how cheap you can get these shares you are paying too much. If you make money, you were just lucky to catch it in a dip and sell at a peak. It ain't going way up. This company will never uplist to the NYSE. That's just crazy talk. They don't make money. They owe millions in judgments they never pay a dime on. Every deal they tout ends up falling through or at least going into perpetual limbo. OCFN has no employees, but are always paying people off in shares, people they do business with and people who do work for them (like the CEO's brother, Von Cummings, who is always getting OCFN sued acting as their agent) and those people are going to sell like crazy into the news every time they have a pump and dump campaign and they'll say no insiders sold any shares, talking only about employees (there are none), officers and board members. This is my opinion of course, but these guys are major scammers who live to take money from people and provide nothing of value in return.