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02/01/15 10:04 PM

#231388 RE: F6 #231387

Bobby Jindal's Prayer Rally Advocates Putting Christians In Control Of Government And All Aspects Of Society

Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Monday, 1/26/2015 11:41 am

When Rick Perry organized his "The Response" prayer rally back in 2011, it brought a lot of unwanted [ ] attention [ ] to the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) [ ] movement and its agenda, in particular the Seven Mountains Mandate [ ], which asserts [ ] that conservative Christians should take control of the seven main areas of culture and society: (1) Business; (2) Government; (3) Media; (4) Arts and Entertainment; (5) Education; (6) Family; and (7) Religion.

Several NAR leaders were [ ] involved [ ] in organizing Perry's prayer rally, but started [ ] downplaying [ ] their agenda as they began to encounter growing scrutiny and criticism [ ].

The organizers of Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal [ ]’s "The Response [ ]" rally on Saturday — which was modeled on Perry’s event and featured many of the same Christian-nation extremists — didn’t seem to get the memo.

Gene Mills [ ], president of Louisiana Family Forum [ ] (an official state affiliate [ ] of the Family Research Council [ ]) spent his entire ten-minute speech at Jindal's prayer rally [ ] this weekend openly preaching Seven Mountains Dominionism [ ] from the stage.

Christians have been tasked to take control of "the sphere of influence around civil government," Mills said, because all areas of culture "belong to God." Jindal's prayer rally, Mill's declared, was a key component of their effort "to reclaim territory that rightfully belongs to God" because "these seven spheres of influence are under enemy occupation right now."

After revealing that last month, he and other prayer rally organizers knelt in prayer with Jindal "asking God to break unholy alliances" over these areas of society, Mills led the gathering in a similar prayer.

"Father, we cry out for the seven mountains of influence today," Mills said [ (below, as embedded; with comments)]. "We pray that you will give us government, arts and entertainment, education, the church, and the family. That our ambassadors would occupy the high places. That you would bring us into a place of understanding that they need to be occupied by the body of Christ because it's rightfully His":

© 2015 People For the American Way


Bobby Jindal: 'We Need A Spiritual Revival To Fix What Ails Our Country'

Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Saturday, 1/24/2015 4:04 pm

After four hours of continual prayer, worship, and singing at today's "The Response" prayer rally [ (above)], Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal [ ] took the stage to share his personal testimony with the audience.

After recounting his journey to faith in Jesus, Jindal closed out his remarks by declaring that no amount of laws or elections of godly politicians can save America because only wholesale spiritual revival can restore this nation.

"We can't just elect a candidate to fix what ails our country," he said [ (below, as embedded; with comments)]. "He can't just pass a law and fix what ails our country. We need a spiritual revival to fix what ails our country ... We are a united people. We are God's children. We are precious because we are made in His image. God has created us with a God-shaped void in our hearts and we frustrate Him by filling it with things and material goods and substances. Now it is time for us on bended knee to turn back to God in humble prayer. To repent and ask for His blessing because He is a faithful God. He desires our prayers. I believe in the power of prayer and I pray that we will see a spark lighted here, we will see fifty responses in every state in these United States and we will see a spiritual revival ignite across these United States of America":

© 2015 People For the American Way


Fischer: You'll Never 'Find A More Directly Demonic Energy Than When You Deal With The Homosexual Agenda'

Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Monday, 1/26/2015 4:12 pm

As Peter noted in the analysis piece [ ] he wrote this morning about Gov. Bobby Jindal's recent prayer rally, "one of the biggest problems with treating politics as spiritual warfare is that you turn your political opponents into spiritual enemies. People who disagree with you on public policy issues are not just wrong, but evil, or even satanic."

As if to help prove this very point, Bryan Fischer [ ] said on his radio broadcast today [ ] that the people who were protesting Jindal's event were literally driven by demonic spirits.

Fischer — whose employer, the American Family Association [ ], sponsored Jindal’s rally — took a call from a listener who attended the prayer rally and who asserted that "the Devil is mad [about Jindal's rally] and that's why he sent those protesters there" and Fischer, of course, agreed.

"I don't think you will ever find a more directly demonic energy than when you deal with the homosexual agenda," he said [ (next below, as embedded; with comments)]. "They're vicious. They are mean. You literally are staring into virtually the unvarnished energy of Satan himself when you come up against the forces that are pushing the homosexual agenda forward":

Bobby Jindal's Prayer Warriors Fret About Protests, Declare 'No-Go Zone For Demons'

Response Protest
Jan 24, 2015 [no comments yet]

Reverend Nathan Ryan speaks during protests against The Response: Louisiana
Jan 24, 2015 [no comments yet]

Donney Rose performs poem during The Response: Louisiana protest
Jan 24, 2015 [no comments yet]

'Response' Endorser: Antichrist Spirits At Right Wing Watch 'Verbally Crucified' Bobby Jindal

© 2015 People For the American Way


Stephanopoulos Presses Jindal on ‘Our God Wins’ Comment

by Evan McMurry | 11:52 am, January 25th, 2015

Louisiana Governor and potential 2016 candidate Bobby Jindal spoke to George Stephanopoulos one day after holding a prayer rally instead of attending the Iowa Freedom Summit with his Republican comrades.

Jindal said we needed politicians to “tell the truth” to the American people, obliquely citing his remarks last week [ ] about the discredited idea of Muslim “no-go zones” in Europe as an example.

Strangely Stephanopoulos did not follow up on that, instead focusing on Jindal’s line at the rally in which he stated that “our god wins.”

“I was struck by the final line, ‘our god wins,’” Stephanopoulos said. “How do you think that lands in a country of 320 million people, of many different spiritualities, many different kinds of faith, many who believe in no god at all.”

“It is a time-honored tradition, going back to our nation’s founding, for our leaders to turn to god for guidance, for wisdom,” Jindal said. “We are a diverse country, obviously a majority of people are Christians, but we don’t discriminate against anybody. That’s one of the great things about America. We believe in religious liberty.”

Watch the clip below, via ABC News [non-YouTube version embedded; a YouTube of the same, {with comments}, in its place next below)]:

© 2015 Mediaite, LLC [with comments]


Bobby Jindal on Muslim Americans: ‘That’s Not Immigration,’ It’s ‘Invasion’

by Matt Wilstein | 2:06 pm, January 27th, 2015

Rather than back away from his disputed assertions about “no-go zones” [ ] for non-Muslims in Europe, Governor Bobby Jindal (R-LA) has tripled down, first telling Fox News’ Neil Cavuto that America could soon have its own “no-go zones [ (above)]” and now, in a radio interview with the Family Research Council’s Washington Watch, warning of the coming Muslim “invasion” of the U.S.

Jindal repeated his comments about “no-go zones” in which Muslims are trying to impose Sharia law during the Monday interview, telling those who would do the same here, “If you don’t want to be an American, don’t come to America… If we’re not careful the same no-go zones you’re seeing now in Europe will come to America.”

“They want to use our freedoms to undermine that freedom in the first place,” Jindal said later of Muslim immigrants. “This is a place where you have freedom of self-determination, freedom of religious liberty, freedom of speech. This is an amazing place and we’re a majority Christian country. We’re a Judeo-Christian heritage, but we don’t discriminate against those that have no beliefs and or have different beliefs.”

Jindal said it’s “wonderful” that people “want to be Americans, they join our military, they start companies, they work to create a better community.” But what he said is unacceptable are those who want to “conquer” us. “If they want to come here and they want to set up their own culture and values that’s not immigration, that’s really invasion if you’re honest about it,” he said, saying we can expect more “lone wolf attacks” if that happens.

The potential 2016 presidential candidate predicted that the “politically correct crowd” would call him “racist” for those comments.

Listen to audio below, via FRC:

[audio ( ) embedded]

© 2015 Mediaite, LLC [with comments]


Why Secularism Is Compatible with the Quran and Sunnah -- And an 'Islamic State' Is Not

01/27/2015 [with comments]


Fox News: Your Apology Won't Do

By Qasim Rashid
Lawyer, Speaker, Best-Selling Author of "EXTREMIST"
Posted: 01/28/2015 3:53 pm EST Updated: 01/28/2015 3:59 pm EST

One of history's most deceptive, barbaric, and inhumane dictators once said, "Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it."

While Fox News has apologized for their "no-go zones" claim, the after-effects of their repeated lie are far from over. Lies have consequences that aren't remedied by a simple apology.

Not long ago, mosque arsonist Randolph Linn told an Ohio judge [ ], "[I don't know any Muslims] I only know what I hear on Fox News... Muslims are killing Americans and trying to blow stuff up. Most Muslims are terrorists and don't believe in Jesus Christ."

As Daily Beast journalist Dean Obeidallah points out, less than 2 percent of terrorist attacks in Europe were committed by Muslims in the past five years [ ]. And in America, the FBI reports that Muslims account for only 6 percent of all acts of terrorism in the past 25 years [ ].

But unfortunately Linn isn't the exception to the growing campaign of anti-Muslim sentiment. In fact, studies demonstrate people who watch no news are more informed than people who watch Fox News [ ].

Fox anchors and all media who perpetuate the "no-go zone" myth, among the greater myth that Islam is an extremist faith, only add to the increasing anti-Muslim violence witnessed in the Western world. When it comes to Islam, media is all too often intoxicated by its own ignorance and propagation of falsehood. Too many in media refuse to engage in honest dialogue about the root causes of extremism and instead write ignorant narratives blaming all Islam and Muslims. Such falsehood has deep ramifications that a simple apology cannot resolve.

For example, France recorded 133 anti-Muslim events in all of 2014. This month alone at least 128 anti-Muslim incidents [ ] have occurred in France. These incidents include public threats, arson, use of fire arms, and cold-blooded murder [ ].

It is no wonder that a 2011 study by the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute discovered that [ ]:

83 percent of Americans say people who commit violence and claim to be Christians are not really Christian, while less than half of Americans - 48 percent - think that self-proclaimed Muslims who commit violence in the name of Islam aren't truly Muslims.

This is true at the highest levels of government. For example, George Bush acknowledged his Christian faith drove him to wage the (illegal) war in Iraq [ ] that has caused up to 1 million deaths of innocent lives. Dick Cheney boasts about torturing prisoners of war [ ] -- a barbaric position the majority of Christians in America support. Tony Blair was motivated by his Christian faith to wage war [ ].

But when was the last time you heard media blame all Christians or Christianity in general for such violent and intolerant positions? Nor should they, but they should drop the double standard with Muslims.

This doesn't absolve extremist clerics in the Muslim world, nor does it mean only western imperialism is the issue. Substantive issues exist in Muslim majority countries like death for blasphemy laws, oppression of women, and despots and dictators. The point is, however, that such issues cannot and will not be resolved when media perpetuates incomprehensible myths such as "no-go zones."

Instead, media has a responsibility to report accurately and consistently. When media and anti-Islam critics over-represent Muslims as terrorists [ ], they do material harm, including to Muslim children [ ], and promote fear in an already vulnerable demographic. If media and anti-Islam critics had responded to the Charlie Hebdo attacks by putting the blame where it rested -- on the individual attackers -- and not all Islam and Muslims, they could have helped promote peace. But peace comes from education, compassion, truth, and integrity -- each of which is lacking in the media's current portrayal of Islam. As Islam teaches, the first step in peace is to say and do what's right -- even if it is against yourself [ ].

It makes me wonder, however, when even after Fox News apologized for its blatant disregard for facts, why certain right-wing politicians perpetuate the "no-go zone" myth [ ]?

Maybe it's to win votes, maybe to win funding, maybe it's to win power -- or maybe it is to inadvertently follow Hitler's barbarism to, "Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it."

The 1,200 percent increase in anti-Muslim incidents in France, the record breaking anti-Islam marches in Germany [ ], and the rising anti-Muslim sentiment in America [ ] prove too many in the West believe the media's anti-Islam lies. Extremist politicians likewise mimic Hitler ideology when they demand banning the Qur'an, stopping all immigration from Muslim nations, and promote racial hatred [ ].

No, an apology alone simply won't do. When reporting on Islam, it is high time media stopped treating education, compassion, integrity, and truth as "no-go zones."

Copyright ©2015, Inc. [with comments]


this is part nine of a ten-part, and accordingly more accessible (. . .), repost of -- the "in addition to ..., see also...:" linkings at the end of which are hereby incorporated and will be included again in the final tenth part of this repost, which follows as a reply to this post

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02/03/15 3:00 AM

#231417 RE: F6 #231387

Two Women Kissed On A Plane To Piss Off Russia’s Leading Anti-LGBT Lawmaker

A lesbian couple flying from Moscow to St. Petersburg were seated near one of Russia’s staunchest anti-LGBT lawmakers, so they decided to show him how they feel.

posted on Feb. 3, 2015, at 6:38 a.m.

Susie Armitage
BuzzFeed News Reporter

Two women flying from Moscow to St. Petersburg over the weekend realized they were seated near Vitaly Milonov, one of Russia’s most prominent anti-LGBT politicians.

The St. Petersburg city councilman has called reports of violence against LGBT people “fake,” led attacks against the LGBT community and engineered the local ban on “gay propaganda” that served as a model for Russia’s federal law.

So they decided it was the perfect opportunity to snap a selfie.

“Who’s that in the background??? MILONOV! And we don’t give a fuck! We’re flying to our favorite club, Infinity”

User Kseniya Infinity uploaded more photos and an account of the incident...


Russian Official Says Apple CEO Should Be Banned From Russia After Saying He Is Gay

“What could he bring us? The Ebola virus, AIDS, gonorrhea?”
posted on Oct. 31, 2014, at 2:43 a.m.

Max Seddon
BuzzFeed News Foreign Correspondent

Lucy Nicholson/Reuters [.........................................] Alexander Demianchuk/Reuters

Apple CEO Tim Cook (left) and Russian Member of Parliament Vitaly Milonov.


Call for anti-gay crusader Milonov to be investigated for extremism

Published time: November 27, 2014 13:54

RIA Novosti/Alexei Danichev

An upper house senator has asked Russian law enforcers to investigate the activities of St. Petersburg lawmaker Vitaly
Milonov, known for his uncompromising defense of Christian values as well as promoting the ban on gay propaganda to minors.

lol .. top one is my favorite .. beeootifull!