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01/31/15 12:47 AM

#204554 RE: hayward #204532

I just think everything gets taken out to the woodshed in a big correction or crash. You have a lot of speculation in biotech which is the norm, but when you get margin calls or need to raise cash everything gets sold.

I'm still holding PPHM because I believe in the science, but we are now at levels that destroy our overall potential. Stocks can be manipulated easily in this range and even with good news it will be tough to make a major move. We will be lucky to see $2 in the near future even on positive results.

SK has destroyed the upside in the short term and we might have to wait until approval to get any type of value that this board is really expecting. Too bad because I really thought something big would happen in 2014. Especially after the move to $3 early last year. We really missed out on a good opportunity to get WS to invest in this stock.