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02/02/15 10:19 AM

#11767 RE: conix #11766

"Personally I would like to see..."???

And I'd like to see some calmare insurance EOBs posted somewhere! So much for wishing upon a star, huh?

As far as the letter to the editor, it's now been a week and NO response from MS. Starkweather regarding the miraculous transforming data she possesses! I figure to give her one more week before letting the editor publish the letter. Actually, I kinda hope she doesn't answer! I've never had a "letter to the editor" published!

Meanwhile, I'm goin' to fire off a copy to Feuerstein and see if I can get him interested! He doesn't usually show much interest in micro-dung heap stocks like CTTC but nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?

"That other abstract..."??? Who cares? Conrad (aka "Bullteat") evidently isn't interested in publications since he doesn't even make the effort to release a PR when one comes out! And if the CEO of the company isn't interested, then WHO will be?