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01/30/15 12:02 PM

#278312 RE: waikikian #278311

Nice find!!

Toxic Avenger

01/30/15 12:30 PM

#278314 RE: waikikian #278311

LOL, more pumping by the company. Doesn't even mention the fact that the plant is shut down and the company virtually out of business.


01/30/15 12:51 PM

#278316 RE: waikikian #278311

Awesome article on ptoi. Added it to my links. Great find.


01/30/15 3:00 PM

#278323 RE: waikikian #278311

What it sounds like is an article written 1/21/15 with the most current information mentioned being March 2013. Where has this guy been the last 2 years? An all inclusive cost figure of .11 cents per gallon?? Gosh, with those numbers we could have not let the machine sit idle for well over a year and really made some money so people would buy one. Which raises a really interesting point of why none of our JV's or for that fact anyone else hasn't bought one of these money makers. By bought I mean cash in hand as in the real world and not fantasy land.


01/30/15 11:50 PM

#278335 RE: waikikian #278311

Look at the comments at the bottom of the page... disgraceful!