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01/29/15 2:17 PM

#57337 RE: linkvest #57335

Exactly. His response when caught off guard is pathetic and shows his true colors. At least he now knows we are on to his ass.
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01/29/15 2:45 PM

#57339 RE: linkvest #57335

Good to see you this way. You have given him far more 'benifit of the doubt' than anyone. Doubt no more.
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01/29/15 3:18 PM

#57347 RE: linkvest #57335

Hi linkvest I thought you wrote a very well thought out post on 12-16-14. I know we have some very smart folks here and I believe there is power in people and in numbers. I guess one gets to a point enough is enough,I for one don't want to lay down...Will fellow the will of the board.