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01/28/15 4:58 PM

#216985 RE: janice shell #216979

You must not know very many blue collar workers, or at least Midwesterners. We will pretty much not back down out someone's face until we are satisfied that we have the answer. After 2+ years he'd be a fool to expect nice if he showed up naked, come on for goodness sake.


01/28/15 4:58 PM

#216986 RE: janice shell #216979

I don't think so. It's human nature.

Let's take it even one step further. Anyone "brave" enuff to ask Reid the questions suggested, will be pushed to the back of the queue. After the first question is dismissed without a real answer. There will follow several puff ball questions. Example: Asking Reid what he believes the RFID business future might be, and KMAG's role. He can launch into a 1/2 hr diatribe on that one alone. A few more fluff ball questions, a couple of SH testimonials about how admirably Reid has performed, and there's the meeting.

Tweets about whispers of mythical mergers, and how the lawyers are going to find and punish the mythical NSSers, after the meeting is over. Followed by reports of going out to dinner with Reid in NYC.


01/28/15 5:19 PM

#216998 RE: janice shell #216979

You certainly have got that right....Even here on ihub people defend and make up excuses for Reid even before he has a chance to respond. So, he probably is thinking just what you said and no one will want to call his bluff in front of the other shareholders. Too bad he doesn't have a call in conference call set up at the meeting...of course then he would get those tuf questions as no one would know who was asking them!!!


01/28/15 7:25 PM

#217011 RE: janice shell #216979

You mean I go to the meeting and I feel shy about my questions? We obviously come from two different planets.
Btw I would have acted EXACTLY like JR if I had had to deal with a bunch of shorts. GO JR!