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05/09/06 3:14 PM

#134 RE: peng #133

I am doing my best to do all the DD I can now that I have recognized stocklemon is the cause of the dramatic decline recently. I must say that I am not feeling confident after speaking with the person at UDSG who gave me very superficial information... which is understandable.

But, she actually seemed to be playing me for a fool because she said the stocklemon report didn't bring down the stock at all. So, I said yes it has... since March 30 when the report came out, the stock is down a lot. She said, "NO IT'S NOT, WE JUST HAD A STOCK SPLIT." I told her regardless the pps is still down a lot since the report and I was just trying to get some details so I knew if the report was factual. She became very very irritated which she was from start to finish. I don't know what to make of it...


05/16/06 9:03 PM

#164 RE: peng #133

I called Merna at the Subway regional office listed on message 133. She was furious because she has received SO many phone calls and e-mails from investors. (so don't expect any replies)I was able to calm her down when I told her that corporate had made a mistake and given out the wrong #. She was furious because she thought UDSG had been telling everyone to call her and they have not even met with them yet!!! (I don't think Coblin is going to be too happy, but I guess that's what can happen when you don't give PR's or return phone calls)
They have their very first meeting next week with UDSG!!! She was unaware of any Subway locations that have already endorsed the delivery service, but said there is another regional office in Miami, who may have this info. She said their region is from Broward(sp?) to Sebastion. Merna also proceeded to tell me they had already tried a delivery service before with a company called DSI and "it was a total flop" (Unfortunately, I do not know how long ago this was, so the market may have not been ready for this yet)
Apparently the regional offices sell the franchises and lets the franchises know about opportunities they endorse, but the franchise makes the ultimate decision if they want to participate in an endorsement such as UDSG.
So , I think another person on the board had the right analysis that they probably do pilots with some locations and utilize their success rates to bring on other locations. AND because they have only had success with their first few pilots, they probably won't have anything to tell us until they bring on the next round. So, that is probably why other subs don't know about the service yet.JMHO
So I hope Merna and UDSG's meeting goes well next week.
This may take a while!!! Hopefully, they have diversified themselves!