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01/27/15 12:10 PM

#139013 RE: mas #139010

I predict that over the long term that the markets will remain
flat overall unless they go up or go down. :-D

There are a lot of moving parts here. The boomers are taking
money out of the market but IMO more importantly the money
supply is grossly over blown with U.S. QE being followed by
EU QE. Too much money means crazy speculation. At some
point a lot of the play dough will have to be reeled back. The
only reasonable play is careful diversification and avoiding
the ever coming stream of new contraptions and traps the
financial industry invents to shear the sheep. A cash rich
position, conservative investing in companies with working
business models and unemotional flexibility is the best way to
deal with the coming fork in the road that can either lead to
Japan style deflationary stagnation or an inflationary spiral.

At the end of the day *eveyone* is just guessing and those who
guess right are suddenly geniuses. It has always been that way.