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01/27/15 11:48 AM

#139011 RE: joseph pareti #139008

3% off in pre-trading, still due to the seagate results?

That's likely Microsoft this time (-10%). What people seem to overlook: Microsoft gives away Windows 8.1 for free on smaller, high volume devices like 2 in 1 and tablets. In addition, Windows 10 is close to launch and we all know that Windows 8 was crappy, so they deserve it. Also there is Chromebook with quite a big success. That's not such a big negative for Intel though, since they sell their processors in all those devices. I bet Mac sales will be very good and, as I said, Windows 10 is at the doors and people are certainly waiting for an upgrade for it. Maybe Intel sells off a bit more, good moment to buy, mayb after "sell in may"?