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Evil Rabbit

01/26/15 10:25 AM

#145822 RE: sage4 #145821

Crazy. But whoever bought them is smart. Whether i right and the report comes soon, or the projections of Spring or Summer (absurd) are correct, the NI report is 100% coming down the pipe and it's gonna look great. I'd like to see it this week but if there are delays and the naysayers are more accurate in their guesswork, I don't much care. I've waited 7 years, I can wait as long as it takes.


01/26/15 3:27 PM

#145826 RE: sage4 #145821

In business as in life, buy high sell low, as necessary. We don't want the competition---- ohm maybe that is just in business. LLL


01/26/15 3:33 PM

#145827 RE: sage4 #145821

the only things longs should comprehend is that SRSR was not supposed to survive. Lets call it the failure factor, the failure factor is in a mine fuch lol. Quite simple to comprehend!!! open pit with a positively motivated investor, lol Niobium+openpit+locality= money simple math the rest of the variables aren't an issue.Thtas why the volume of shares is going towards buying and the entitys that are trying to distort are about to meet there demise. The niobium available is open pit what a no brainer and niobium has many more applications that cant fill the void lol. No reason to expound upon the inevitable. This thought just didnt happen it happened I failed to hit submit. Time is irrelevant, patience in this investment will prevail. Just this dogs thoughts