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01/25/15 1:14 PM

#89166 RE: govorchin #89165

I'm the one that asked him if the Kevetrin trial is progressing the same as the preclinicals. He answered yes, they are. This is very positive information, but, I'll be happier when the trial results are in for all to see. Most only look for trial results.

Management had many meetings during the conference. All of them must have been important and I'd expect a partnership to come out of it. I just won't guess when since I don't know the numbers and terms Leo is looking for. But, I'm thinking that multiple large pharma is courting them. 2015 should be a great year for $CTIX. ;)

In Reply to 'govorchin'
the K at DF was designed for both safety AND efficacy. efficacy was shown at very low doses as per R&R presentation 2013. more efficacy was shown when tumor stabilized at 75 .

dr menon is supposed to have said ( i personally believe this is true) that the trial is going the same way as the mouse pre clinical. we all know what that means but who is he compared to the posters on this board who hint this is maybe a maybe.

i remind people BK says he has an impeccable source that dr j spent his time explaining what(i think B don;t you?) to industry representatives. he is said to have consulted with leo during the presentation by phone. therefore we are told sorta that these representatives could be nobody. LOL (my editorial comment).

my own thinking is ( i say again mY OWN THINKING) that BK knows who these interested parties are. in following him for 4 years i do not find that he either `exaggerates or is reckless. i am expecting good news of a deal before june.

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01/25/15 1:54 PM

#89169 RE: govorchin #89165

That lie about his academic credentials is troubling though, I wish he would address it (clear it up or remove it). Lies hurt credibility. If Kevetrin results are positive, the issue will become less relevant of course. Until then though, his word is not good. And he gives fodder for legitimate criticism that affects our stock price and cost of capital. I'm going to write the company and ask, unless someone has already got a response from them on this matter?