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01/25/15 2:01 PM

#12072 RE: hukoyo #12071

Fonon will now control Mabwe shares, Mabwe as a publicly traded company is no more. Those shares will now be in Fonon and their 3D metal or whatever it is they supposedly do. It will have nothing to do with mining or Dodge mine. Fonon only wants the shares so they can trade them, it takes money to setup a new publicly traded company, if you want a quick and easy way to get started you simply take over an existing shell which is what they are doing.

Bulldog is the new mining shell, it is private so any shares can't be publicly traded. What that shell is made up of is really nothing except shareholders. They have no equipment, no mineral rights, nothing. Wouldn't surprise me if they roll Raptor into that as well.

It's actually similar to a pyramid scheme, the problem is they are so easy to setup and not enough resources to shut them down quick enough so it's a constant cat and mouse game. It's the same players too, look at Louie Schlegel, he was part of Spare Backup before he joined MBMI, that was a scam too.

The owner of Fonon has a bad checkered past as well, it's the same story over and over. It's not about the company, the products, the industry, it's just about finding the next story these guys can sell to naive investors for their own personal gain. Mgmt always makes their money at the expense of shareholders since they hold all of the cards.