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01/24/15 5:08 PM

#90525 RE: Huggy Bear #90524

Yes they are! 80% of junior miners (public companies) have neither NI 43-101 resources nor current feasibility studies. Retail investors, funds, private money flow into them based on the quality of their projects, management, geopolitical risk, enviro, social license, metallurgy, geology, hydrogeology, geomechanics etc ... about 100 of them :)

So NBRI's position is not unique. Au contraire the last three years MANY small juniors started mining the high grade part of their mineralization so they went into production WITHOUT having any reserves or a feasib study done (oldtimers did the same). And they make money quarter by quarter and the cash flow positively impacts their sp. So yeah, looking forward to NBRI starting Ruby gold production.


01/25/15 8:18 AM

#90540 RE: Huggy Bear #90524

That's a pretty small pocket that the insider money went into.

Again story's sell but the actual fact show all of the money went into making the Ruby work and nobody got paid anything more than a small amount of income for a job they actually did.