Although we disagree at times, I agree whole heartedly with this post of yours.
In the case of QLTS, focus was/is a must.
There were a couple of tells about that financing PR that left me with some questions. The first of which was, who is the financier? It was ominously left out of that triumphant PR. And I had to ask myself why, if QLTS had gotten a financing deal from a reputable source, why that was not shouted out along with the other news?
Well, that was answered unequivocally by the immediate increase of the A/S. In essence, this will in all probability turn out to be a toxic financier, and share holders will pay the freight.
In our society, it has become custom to politico speak and its derivatives. It is often what is not said, that is more important than what is. And that demands real focus to discern.
Who and why are basic questions for any political and/or speech or news release.
Many times our focus is blurred by hope, fear of admitting a mistake, greed or a combination of all of those factors.
I read this board often. I admire the comradery and work of those that have formed the alliance here.
Good Luck. Really Good Post.