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01/23/15 12:43 PM

#272573 RE: Aspenots #272502

The conversation is relevant. But how would anyone FUNDAMENTALLY
KNOW what a company intends to do if they do not work for them; was
the implication of my communication in response to those inquiries.

It's too easy to make speculative assumptions based-upon anecdotal
information from those who AREN'T IN THE KNOW to begin with. I can
ONLY provide you with MY POV. But, I don't run NTEK. I am NOT in the
catbird seat. Now, if you asked NTEK they may engage you. They may
not, in this matter. It is however, worth going to the HORSES MOUTH
on an issue that seems to be of great import judging by your posts
on the matter!!!

I believe I have made my position clear. I go by BEHAVIOR!! What
I have seen is NTEK promoting to INDUSTRY at over 12 International
Trade Shows the past year or so & having just completed an award
winning showing at CES (a B2B) Trade Show.

So, their behavior, along with Market Analysis (only 15mm global
4K TV units), Trends, & TV-industry data (1.485BILLION UHD/4K
TV units added in the next decade or so) says something TO ME
that relates to the inquiries about UltraFlix & consumer presence.

Remember, Sony, Samsung, LG, Vizio & Hisense ALL Streamed UltraFlix
& Sony, Samsung, Vizio & Hisense have ACTIVELY PROMOTED UltraFlix
@ CES. It would stand to reason that they will promote UltraFlix
on their packaging & at retail soon for the VERY SAME REASONS
they did so @CES!!!

Meanwhile we just got a new UltraFlix v1.5
We just got ADS streaming on the channel (& they are growing)
We just got MORE CONTENT
& we have been told more is on the way....

So the channel is being built. Ported. Content uploaded for
distribution & we have partners about to put out NEW UHD/4K
TV models to retail next month that have committed & already
have been PROMOTING UltraFlix (per CES pics as proof, for ex)

That's about what we KNOW...The rest you might have to inquire
with NanoTech & see if they can help further...



01/23/15 12:54 PM

#272592 RE: Aspenots #272502

Personally, if I ran this young, emerging growth company I wouldn't
spend a dime on anything (going forward) that doesn't directly impact
my revenues.

Building out the infrastructure means:


- Acquisitions. Original Series. Remastering & Rendering Services.

- UltraFlix newest & best-available customer speed, tech, delivery.

After my ACCESS is established (ported, tested on every make &
model we've gotten commitments to), then I go into consumer-launch

I EXPECT NTEK will have some seriously help with the heavy-lifting
considering Sony, Samsung, Vizio, LG, Panasonic, JVC & Hisense
have already promoted UltraFlix at B2B CES & committed to UltraFlix.

UHD/4K TVs have a content-issue they need to address. UltraFlix
helps them do this...

But, SINCE I AM NOT in the Catbird seat. Since I DO NOT run this
young, emerging, growth company, I made the suggestion NTEK IR
be contacted as a means of actually having your questions answered

GL,....Let us know what you learn!!