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02/03/15 11:20 AM

#1512 RE: shermann7 #1510


I agree with this 100%, I even thing Alex Jones is part of it. If any of these guys were a treat to the NWO thugs, they'd disappear. Hannity, like Ruch will not talk conspiracy and both poo poo 3rd party Presidential candidates. When you have total control through a one party system disguised as 2, you don't want a third party. Remember George Wallace being shot, ended up in a wheel chair? He was going to win. Nowdays, they don't have to do that, the media will destroy any third party candidate for them.

The bottom of the "Dittohead" playing card reads: "This group can only be controlled by a Personality ... This card always has the same alignments as its Personality, plus "Fanatic". If the Personality is already Fanatic, the fanaticism of the Dittoheads is considered the same alignment for all purposes."

Many people will truly be shocked to hear that a Rush Limbaugh Dittohead Card is part of this Illuminati deck, and for very good reason: Rush Limbaugh is a very sophisticated part of the New World Order Plan to overthrow the Old World Order! In NEWS1030, "Rush Limbaugh!! Mega-Dittos To The Master Communicator", I explained my personal trip through "Rush country", from the beginning of the 1990's to the time in 1996 when I fully understood reality. At first, I was really taken by his personality, his grasp of the difficult issues facing America, his apparent Conservatism, and his refreshing humor. I really felt like he was speaking my language, giving verbal expression to my political feelings.

Rush Limbaugh had become a Messianic-type leader of the American Conservatives. It is incredible that one man could so coalesce such a large group into one meaningful force. Rush is their leader, and he has become their icon. I had never, ever, heard anyone so brilliantly, and so consistently, articulate the issues in which I had always felt so strongly. Rush also seemingly championed Christian causes.

But, what does this "Dittohead" card say about the "Personality" who controls the "fanatics" under his spell? Listen again:

* "This group can only be controlled" -- As you listen to the people calling in, you can realize they are being controlled by the Personality of Rush Limbaugh. In the guise of learning to think for yourself, the vast legions of Limbaugh listeners have unwittingly become "controlled by the Personality". After all, that is the true meaning of "Dittohead" -- they are so in agreement with Rush that they only think that they are thinking for themselves.

* "This card always has the same alignments as its Personality" -- The people calling in to the show definitely show strong evidences that their views are fully aligned with the views of Rush Limbaugh! Many callers even express this alignment by saying something like, "I agree with you 98% of the time". Now, that is alignment!

I encourage you to read NEWS1030 as I fully explain the reasons I became convinced that Rush Limbaugh was not a truly Born Again Christian and was not even a true Conservative. This whole process took until mid-1996 to complete. For the better part of 6 years, I was a Ditto Head. But, God was gradually changing my mind as He opened my spiritual eyes.

Do not be deceived by Rush Limbaugh. He is a very clever part of the Illuminati Plan, just as this card indicates. I believe his purpose was to so enthusiastically grab the leadership of American's Conservatives that he could get NAFTA passed, first of all, and then so he could act as a lightening rod to harmlessly discharge Conservative anger over the Liberal policies being enacted to move us into the New World Order. The Illuminati knew that real Conservatives were going to become very angry when they saw some of the terrible actions that Liberal and "Conservative" leaders were going to have to carry out if the globalist agenda were to ever go forward. Conservative anger is a mighty force, and can destroy a movement -- a Plan -- if it hits its target squarely.

Therefore, Rush Limbaugh is to ensure that Conservative anger would be harmlessly discharged through him, as the national lightning rod! Limbaugh brilliantly examines the problems facing America and he describes these problems in a manner which seems Christian. However, he fails totally in espousing the solution. Limbaugh's solution is to elect more Conservatives, preferably the Republican Conservatives he favors. And, right now, that favorite Republican is President George W. Bush, the old unrepentant Skull & Bones Illuminist [Read NEWS1314 for details on Skull & Bones] and that Bohemian Grove participant.

However, another key spiritual issue with Rush Limbaugh is his unrelenting attack on any hint of a "Conspiracy". And, that takes us to the "Gordo Remora" card of this Illuminist deck.

The bottom of the "Gordo Remora" playing card reads: "Next up on Gordo: People who believe in conspiracy theories. Are they nuts or just too stupid to live?"

Rush Limbaugh thus plays the part of "Gordo Remora" in real life. The Bible speaks continuously about the conspiracy between Satan and God that began with his rebellion against God in Heaven as described in Isaiah 14:4-15, continued from the Garden of Eden as Satan works against God through mankind, and continues until after the 1,000 year reign of Jesus Christ when Satan is loosed for a short time; what does Satan do with this last opportunity to rebel against God? He gathers rebellious humans living at that time into one more assault on Jerusalem [Revelation 20:7-10]. This prophetic string, preaching conspiracy from beginning to end of time is so clear that people who know their Bible well are expecting a conspiracy at the End of the Age and are looking for it!

We have posted a Biblical expose' of Conspiracy so you can clearly see that the Christian today should be expecting it, not doubting it! This expose' is entitled, "Bible Teaches Conspiracy! From Genesis to Revelation" and we encourage you to click on the title so you will understand how thoroughly Biblical believing in conspiracy truly is.

Here is the reality about conspiracy: It is spiritually -- Biblically -- based, so few people who are not saved can see the truth! All of Rush's arguments against conspiracy is based upon human, secular reasoning, totally devoid of genuine Biblical understanding. Since Rush is very persuasive, when he thus appeals to human understanding, his followers believe him and reject any idea of a conspiracy.

Rush Limbaugh takes a really strong stand against "Conspiracy Theories" as he daily trumpets the official government line on all matters. Not only has Rush refused to consider a conspiracy but he refuses to even debate someone on air who understands that a conspiracy exists. We posted NEWS1156 as an open letter to Rush urging him to consider the spiritual basis of this global conspiracy to unite the world into a government, economy and religion, after which Antichrist will arise.

Steve Jackson, founder of the Illuminati Card Game, declares the the Master of all "Dittoheads" and the grand arguer against Conspiracy Theories is part of the Illuminati Plan! Rush Limbaugh takes into his own person these two cards. This is not to say that there are not others out there who might fulfill the "Gordo Remora" role, but Limbaugh is clearly the King of the Hill.