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01/21/15 6:29 PM

#13482 RE: douglll #13481

Just for clarification:

Post 12926

Etched in the records for all time:

" Not one thing that they said was going to happen has happened,"

Myantis, my God man! I have to ask, have you sought info outside of this forum?
I have seen many candid pictures of Thailand, The Motor Meter is on all of the of the Motor Cycle Taxies!!

" but the reality of this whole situation is that Patrick and the rest of the World Moto team have been saying the same things for 3 years now."

The dream has been 3 years!, now we are at that point of fulfilling that dream!
Things take time Man!!
News will be coming very soon and all I can say from my research and not listening to garbage is;


01/22/15 8:55 AM

#13484 RE: douglll #13481

Doug, I have always been Mike 1366 and never posted under any other name. I am just one more dissatisfied investor who would really like to recover a bit of my investment.
I have been in this for 3 years and am growing impatient also, but I have not made the decision to bash over and over trying to totally kill the price like you.
I don't know for sure but this company must have some kind of a product in order to gain a patent, even if it is in some 3rd world country.


01/22/15 4:11 PM

#13505 RE: douglll #13481

As we enter the death rattle phase of the last breath of the company I went back and read a bunch of posts from April May and June of last year after the Aegis funding and the subsequent price action ..... Enlightening to say the least.....