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Replies to #39 on XPEL Inc (XPEL)


01/21/15 6:35 PM

#40 RE: HallaDurg #39

I am still here and one of my top 5 holdings. Great growth trend here.

Amigo Mike

01/22/15 7:32 AM

#41 RE: HallaDurg #39

Still here.

I see no reason why growth trend should not continue as it has. Eventually it would level out but for now as they expand into new markets ....... should remain a high number.

Amigo Mike


01/24/15 8:32 AM

#42 RE: HallaDurg #39

I'm still here...not much news in the past quarter. I think the future is very bright considering their international growth. Until they stop growing, change management, or the story changes I will be here for the considerable future.


01/24/15 8:38 AM

#43 RE: HallaDurg #39

XPLT been disappointing lately once it feel under the 50ma. could still go down and test the 200ma?