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01/21/15 10:51 AM

#20297 RE: LionsTact #20294

" When I type the word "genstrip" into google, the first 20 entry's indicate that genstrip should not be used according to the FDA as they may report the wrong values. Except for an entry by Pharmatech, the other titles are there just to report how bad the genstrip product is. "


(imo) Unfortunately for DECN the warning is for genstrips from " Shasta Technologies " but shows up in "Genstrip" results....LOL !!

(imo) The FDA has a PUBLIC SAFETY obligation to keep that post UP because Those Shasta strips are still out there.

(eg.) Sitting in a purchasers home medicine cabinet.

(imo) Good Luck getting ALL the websites to take them down as it is a Public Safety Issue !!.......LOL !!

1) The FDA


3) CareMark

4) Medscape

5) etc etc ETC !!

.....LOL !!

Mr Sensitivity

01/22/15 5:54 AM

#20331 RE: LionsTact #20294

For a company that has nothing to fear, for a company that takes big chances by writing letters to DECN customers threatening them, hiring an expert that falsified credentials and used him at a critical juncture in the case, and for a company that has no need for Genstrip and all of its problems, J&J sure isn't acting like they are in a position of strength.