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01/20/15 12:06 PM

#28613 RE: inv10001 #28612's very simple really! In the scheme of things we really don't have too long to wait bet is down!


01/20/15 10:43 PM

#28621 RE: inv10001 #28612

I generally agree with you with one large caveat:

Are the TINY sample sizes for these trials (10 patients each) enough to show statistical relevance and scientific proof of concept for each trial? Beyond that, are the sample sizes large enough for big pharma to "buy in to?" That's my biggest concern right now.

I also have a concern that ONCS seems to be slow getting out of the starting blocks. At this writing it is only known that these trials will begin this year (most likely Q1), but no clear date has been set. Any word on this?

We're in a race and the clock is ticking.