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01/20/15 12:13 PM

#203361 RE: PhoenixRising #203351

PR, I appreciate your struggle greatly, but I cite FACTS not opinion. Chemo and radiation haven't changed cancer mortality statistics in 50 years.

Oncologists KNOW that the age of chemo is ending. Article: No More Chemo

Cancer is an industry, PR. You know that. The American Cancer Society has a HUGE interest in promoting this industry. That's why they went ballistic over this ENORMOUS 25 year study (n=90,000) that showed definitively that mammograms are worthless.

Vast study doubts mammograms

Yep, the whole Susan G. Komen "Run for the Cure" show is nothing but. All those 5k races. All those pink ribbons. All those "Fight like a Girl" tee-shirts. Yep, a FARCE.

Now yes, PR, you're right, chemo does work well with a few cancers e.g. childhood leukemias, Hodgkins lymphoma, and testicular cancer. But not much more.

It's undeniable that chemo and radiation have put millions into early graves. Suffering, vomiting, hairless, and exhausted ALL THE WAY to the end. Why? Because the very system they needed to fight their cancer, their immune system, was totally annihilated by their "treatment." Ever wonder why you can't bring fresh flowers into a cancer ward?

Please recall that THE central bias in American medicine is this:


What is NEVER acceptable is to promote health through alternative means. Instead, the dictates of the medico-pharmaceutical cartel must be followed. Give her the poison! Zap that cancer! Get the gamma knife! Get the Neupogen! Inject the Procrit!

THIS is the reality for millions of cancer patients. I respect your story. But your trial size is N=1.

There ARE treatments out there for Sue right now that won't destroy her immune system.

More on that in a forthcoming post.

