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01/20/15 9:12 AM

#1213 RE: Andy3077 #1212

Payment Data Service Is An Attention Getter

PYDS has captured your attention, as well as mine.

Modular Servers FiCentive & Akimbo connect with, allows back-office Payment Data Services to handle & process more transactions, regardless of Smart Card, or iRemotePay Smart Phone origin. PYDS & FutureX, suggests Payment Data Services (Systems) can scale to handle 8000 encrypted transactions per-second, if called upon.

It's easy to find something wrong, while hi-tech billing, payment, security & record keeping goes through a sea-change.

Management has acquired years of Billserv/Payserv knowledge, hands-on experience & Patent 7,021,530 protection. Louis A. Hoch & Michael R. Long didn't fall-off the Turnip Truck yesterday! For this & other reasons, '15 will be a good for shareholders.

It's a matter of economics... there will be more M&A's and accretive consolidations in 2015 & beyond. PYDS, in my opinion, is a penny-ante good buy.

Dial-up PDS-PAYS, DEAL, while PYDS captures more attention.
