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01/16/15 12:08 PM

#21044 RE: ccraider #21042

Hi..!! ccraider

Your post posits the MOST reasonable explanation of this VERY
convoluted and conflicted quandary, that I have seen..

For some yet undisclosed reason the only post by Patriot on the
subject, does NOT mention a License purchase by HTC..

While the post by Alliacense contains the news that a License was
purchased by HTC..

So that leads to some confusion as to WHY this is SO.

Additionally!! I have been checking the Alliacense site several times each day and the,--License--purchase appeared on the 15th,
and NOT before..(Was, Leckrone's 'OK' was needed), the reason for the delay by Alliacense)..

AND,, why did Patriot announce a settlement was reached,
'BUT' did NOT include that a License was purchased in their post...

And finally.. Was there TWO separate PAYMENTS to PDS?

ONE the jury award and ONE the License FEE?