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01/15/15 8:56 AM

#11741 RE: Vaffan-Coulo #11740

Speaking of that article, I just noticed one of the coauthors:

one little two little three little QUACKS

I saw Ms. An -- although MS. An has a REAL "PhD" I simply can't dignify calling anyone who believes in acupuncture "doctor" -- had quite a few publications, but, looking through them, I couldn't quite figure out her role in the study:

"Psychological strains, salivary biomarkers and risks for coronary heart disease among hurricane survivors."

Hmmmmmmm...don't quite see calmare relevance there.

"Shared symptoms and putative biological mechanisms in chronic liver disease: Implications for biobehavioral research."

Oh! She shared that one with Starkweather! But calmare relevance -- none that I can see!

"IL-14 inhibits IL-1ß-induced depressive behavioral and central neurotransmitter alterations."

ANOTHER one with Starkweather! Maybe they're "BFF" or something LIKE that! In any case, calmare relevance -- nope!

"Hispanic elders with type-2 diabetes and caregiver medication practices."

Uhhhhhhhhh...don' think so!

"Development of the Mexican American family loyalty toward elderly relatives scale."

Sorry! Can't see it!

"Effect of acculturation and mutuality on family loyalty among Mexican American caregivers of elders."

Don't see any value of calmare to treating "family loyalty" -- Mexican American or otherwise.

Oh! Here we go:

"Needle free acupuncture: Benefits both patients and clinicians."

Say what:

"With appropriate adjustments of the current device, needle-free acupuncture can become an alternative to the conventional needle injection method."

Hey! I mentioned in a post just a few days ago about that acupuncturist cum QUACK calmare therapist -- even though it's REALLY just another quackopractor's office -- up in Idaho! Yessir, I say forget those stupid pads! Shove in a half dozen six inch needles, hook'em to the calmare, then crank that sucker up until that patient starts hopping around the room like a -- you got it! -- MEXICAN jumping bean! Won't be no time at all before they forget about any old pains they had!

Oh! Now I'm disappointed:

you gotta be kidding

Electroacupuncturing a RAT??? Seriously? And who exactly knows where the "meridians" are on a RAT? Bad enough all the effort apparently spent on such pseudoscientific nonsense, but it was funded by the NIH! Just plain embarrassing!

In any case, I'm still having a bit of difficulty perceiving how MS. An could have contribute much to that calmare "trial."