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Replies to post #1220 on Cancer

Replies to #1220 on Cancer


01/15/15 12:19 AM

#1221 RE: excel #1220

excel thank you - Father God - created all the remedies we need -
to be helped and cured -
the one who want to be helped will find a good solution -
let say you have a prostate problem or want to help a friend
who got a problem -
in the upper left corner on the cancer forum its a search box,
to ex. write in; prostate

Search This Board: prostate

the following messages posted will be to more natural help;

for diabetic problems ex.;

etc. etc. and
often each message will lead to more natural remedies
for all who want to be cured
often give help leads to more -
natural solutions from Father Guds created garden we been -
Blessed with by Our Lord -
God Bless