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05/06/06 11:45 AM

#251693 RE: skunksyard #251692

wrong. as usual.

this was a case of 'lets spend as much money as we possibly can, as recklessly as possible, and NOT TELL OUR SHAREHOLDERS what we're doing. Let's NOT KEEP DECENT RECORDS of income/expensess so there's no real paper-trail to follow in case someone looks into it, or, in case we want to do a REAL AUDIT.

GEE, Anne... ever wonder why Frank/Fan was never able to COMPLETE A LEGITIMATE AUDIT??

you, of all people, with your constant exuberance for your fiscal and financial prowess, SHOULD be THE ONE who is kicking and screaming the loudest about the LACK OF FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY via proper paperwork.

but continue to blame everyone BUT those responsible.

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05/06/06 1:18 PM

#251699 RE: skunksyard #251692

skunks I am going to use one of my 2posts left to address you . You have been on yourown bandwagon of gays not supporting QTN by not subscribing . What you are putting forth is an idea that every gay person knows about QTN and has elected to abandon them . I'd like to challenge that idea with the idea that not many gays are even aware of QTN whatsoever , hence the low subscripction rate , and nothing else causing the lack of interest or support you claim to lay at the gay coomunities doorstep . Well my dear what happened to advertising as a means of awareness . And all of those Frank signup shows seem to have been lost without following up solicitation of the signee's that supplied name address and phone number ? I would give you more consideration if you considered all of the variables that have cause QTN's demise instead of leading the kleglight of attention away from where it belongs .
I believe QTN with all of their genuine effort has severly dropped the ball regarding subscription and advertising awareness .

One post left

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05/07/06 2:20 AM

#251731 RE: skunksyard #251692

obviously not enough interested people in those areas as not enough subs to pay the bills.