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01/14/15 11:17 AM

#100740 RE: onewhoknows2much #100738

Im simply saying a suit and tie in a formal office setting would be both transparent and professional. I see no gain by doing an interview such as the "waynes world" format I witnessed..not to mention the excruciating beginning that drug on for hours it seemed, looking like a moronic buffoon. It didn't get much better from there in my opinion. If he has a brain he should use it and at least act like he is a professional capable of analytical thought even though it would appear he is not, I was not impressed with the two slide show either or the "phd", nothing about this got me excited in the least, with the exception of being more pissed. Good luck here, we will surely need it. Don't look for any gains from such a pathetic display imho.


01/14/15 8:10 PM

#100752 RE: onewhoknows2much #100738

First of all if your impressed with lies this CEO is for you The manual was suppose to come out in Oct.2014 Also the chill was to be lifted last year .Remember his quotes of saying his attorneys where working day and night to get the chill lifted As Dan promised with his own words His second coming of the manual was suppose to be out Jan .15th another lie ok Now he has extended this lie to another day How can one have faith and believe in this crook I briefly watched this jokeaniar I did ask Dan two questions that he never did answer at this webcast 1.When will the chill be remove 2.When will your hemp tea be coming out to the market to be sold He has told us last year the tea would be on the market Neither one did he answer Tell me since you have so much faith with Dan Why would he not answer me if he was a honest man ? Please no excuses Dan has come up with enough of them Please tell us the facts not fiction as Dan does How can one believe in a man who lies all the time