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01/28/15 2:10 PM

#3057 RE: Pogo z #3022

It is managements fault that we have more shares and warrants issued then were authorized. If management want to do the right thing, perhaps they should have forgone the exercise of their own warrants rather than penalize the shareholders that of been loyal to the company.

But hey, what's a 50% haircut in the value of my investment, make that all of our investments. No big deal though, give the company away to new investors at $.10 I share while the rest of us have supported the company for the past13 years are diluted over and over and over again.

For years, I have been told that a solid measurement of a company's future value is the willingness of insiders to purchase and own shares of stock in their own company. I guess now we know why insiders don't own any of this stock and were not willing to buy it with their own hard-earned money.

I won't argue the point that the future could be very bright for bio key. My problem is that if the stock every gets to a dollar, the reality is that it should've been two or three dollars.