That $20 million is an outlandish number that has no basis in fact in this market. When oil was $100 back in June a 15% interest in a Kenya block with 1.6 billion bbls of unrisked sold for about $4.5 million in cash plus about .5 million in stock. My original estimate of the stock price was a little low. Now they want you to believe that with oil at under half that price the value of ERHC's interest is $20 million. Can you explain the logic in that to me?
And to sell all of Kenya would be suicide. The JDZ is moribund. The EEZ is at least 5 years from drilling. And ERHC has found no one to contribute a penny toward Chad after 3 years of trying.
I hope management understands that a critical financial problem exists here because it looks like the market already gets it.
Below is the relevant part of the Tower/Taipan farmout agreement.