Anytime before 16:15 tomorrow is within 15 days of 30-Dec.
Much more likely a violation of Rule 144 while dumping stock. The SEC stirs in the past company issued false, and misleading PRs for flavor afterwards, into the file. But they never suspend based just on PRs.
The main problem for TRII are the past valuations. Where recent assays conflict with past assays previously reported. How to avoid drawing SEC attention to it? Don't report the recent assays. Therefore my bets are on the recent assays not being discussed in the 10K. After all they weren't worthy enough of an 8K. Another problem is Duncan's co-mingling the activities of his still existing private company, with TRII before 2014. Enough to attract the attention of the PCAOB in 2014. In microcap ville 10Ks are sometimes more interesting in what they don't say.