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JUST 10-11-12

01/12/15 9:50 PM

#86383 RE: slcimmuno #86380

nice summary!

Louis Rukeyser

01/12/15 9:54 PM

#86384 RE: slcimmuno #86380

Wunnerful !!! Wunnerful !!! :-D

Thank you !!!


01/12/15 9:58 PM

#86386 RE: slcimmuno #86380

That is a terrific and thorough report. Thanks to your bro' for that.


01/12/15 10:06 PM

#86389 RE: slcimmuno #86380

Thank you so much! Great Summary


01/12/15 10:10 PM

#86390 RE: slcimmuno #86380

Tremendous! So appreciated! YOUR FAMILY ROCKS : )

Thanks very much and........



01/12/15 10:11 PM

#86391 RE: slcimmuno #86380

That's superb insight Sic. Thank you and little Bro for a nice piece of work. I almost feel like I was there after reading the recap.


01/12/15 10:12 PM

#86392 RE: slcimmuno #86380

Awesome recap... thanks to you both!



01/12/15 10:26 PM

#86396 RE: slcimmuno #86380

Thank you is an understatement!

Tell your brother how grateful all of us here are for taking the time to share his first hand account. Knowing the "after" conversation is as informative as the presentation itself.
Your family rocks.!


01/12/15 10:27 PM

#86397 RE: slcimmuno #86380

Very kind of you to share your time and effort. Thank you!


01/12/15 10:29 PM

#86399 RE: slcimmuno #86380

SLC - Thanks to you and your kid brother for such a thorough and well-written report of the day. How I wish I could have been there in the room with them!


01/12/15 10:32 PM

#86400 RE: slcimmuno #86380

Everything we could hope for in a recap! Thanks!


01/12/15 10:38 PM

#86403 RE: slcimmuno #86380

Slc - thanks to you and your brother for great recap.

The only item missing was uplisting.


01/12/15 11:11 PM

#86411 RE: slcimmuno #86380

That was an incredibly thorough recap. Thank you with a capital T.


01/12/15 11:13 PM

#86412 RE: slcimmuno #86380

That was an incredibly thorough recap. Thank you with a capital S


01/12/15 11:16 PM

#86414 RE: slcimmuno #86380

Many thanks. Excellent update.

Thanks to Karin
Thanks to no retreat
Thanks to incubus

How fortunate we are to have folks willing to share so freely.



01/12/15 11:16 PM

#86415 RE: slcimmuno #86380

Wow! Thanks!!!!


01/12/15 11:26 PM

#86419 RE: slcimmuno #86380

Words fail... thank you and your brother for that detailed report!


01/12/15 11:29 PM

#86420 RE: slcimmuno #86380

Sticky worthy.


01/12/15 11:52 PM

#86422 RE: slcimmuno #86380

That was the best recap! Thank you, and please thank your brother for me. You have been such an added benefit to this board. I have very much enjoyed reading your posts.

I do, however, want to take credit for the idea of using B for acne. On Sept 24, 2014 I wrote Leo the following e-mail:

Mr. Ehrlich,

I have been a shareholder for several years. I am very proud to be a part of this company, and would love to help find other avenues of revenue. Has anyone looked into the possibility to market Brilacidin in the acne sector? This is a multi-billion dollar sector that Cellceutix could capture a good piece of. With the more common antibiotics taken to combat severe acne (erythromycin, clindamycin, doxycycline and minocycline), there could be allergies and/or side-effects such as nausea that will preclude people from continuing treatment. With the current research results on Brilacidin, it appears that Cellceutix has yet another opportunity to make money. Would this be a possible application, whether through topical ointment and/or pill?

Thank you for your time.


Regardless of whether or not that idea was already on the table, I am still claiming it as mine. :)


01/12/15 11:55 PM

#86423 RE: slcimmuno #86380

This should be an SA article. Thank you and your brother!

Loose Lips

01/13/15 12:01 AM

#86424 RE: slcimmuno #86380

First off; my thanks to you, your brother, and the rest of the CTIX investor team who were there as well. Many of us would not be so well informed and confident without your help. I personally am grateful for what all of you bring to our table.

So I know that today is a lot of information for many to process, but I have to be the one that points out the forest through the trees in all of this:

KarinCA asked Dr. Menon if Kevetrin was performing better, worse or as expected per the animal models. He laughed and said, "other than the time it's taking, it's performing just as we have seen it perform in the lab"."

Performing just as we have seen it in the my mind this is the most massive statement of the day. Many of us got in for K based on those lab models and the hopes that it would work, even partially, as well in humans. He is basically telling us that those hopes are turning into reality!

B (and the mimetic platform) is the extremely sexy and potentially massive new-kid-on-the-block, but I think K will be THE GAME CHANGER FOR THE HISTORY BOOKS.

Damn I am excited!!!!


01/13/15 12:20 AM

#86427 RE: slcimmuno #86380

Please convey our sincere thanks to your brother. That is an excellent report.


01/13/15 1:06 AM

#86435 RE: slcimmuno #86380

Thanks for sharing.



01/13/15 1:09 AM

#86436 RE: slcimmuno #86380

That summary is great, but, I'd like to add a few things now that I'm back in my hotel room.

Meeting your brother, IncubusNow and noretreat was great. All three are quality people. ;)

But meeting Leo, Dr Menon and Dr Alexander was even better. My greatest fear in owning Cellceutix was the fear of management selling too soon due to Dr Menon's age. After meeting the man and conversing a bit I can tell he's looking at continuing to build the company up. This is his life. He truly wants to leave a mark on the world. That twinkle in his eye looks like someone with a high energy level. He won't be pressing to sell too soon. ;) The trip was worth it for me by that fear disappearing.

According to Leo, he'd like to see uplisting happen in 2015.

There will be six trials in 2015.

2015 will see the company make a major push in addressing inflammatory disease.

Dana Farber has told the company they should have p21 data from the higher dosing cohorts in a few weeks. However, they've told him this in the past without following through.

Leo expects the FDA meeting on Brilacidin phase III will be in a couple of months. It just depends on how long it takes for the data to be prepared.

I'm very impressed with how organized they are. They had a lot of data to share in a short time.

Bottom line is I'm more comfortable holding $CTIX than any other company I hold. If my trading rules allowed it I'd go in with 100%.

It's been a long day. And the next two days will be longer since I have a lot of presentations lined up that I want to see/hear.


01/13/15 1:16 AM

#86438 RE: slcimmuno #86380

A ton of insight! Thank you!


01/13/15 1:27 AM

#86443 RE: slcimmuno #86380

Just, wow


01/13/15 5:41 AM

#86453 RE: slcimmuno #86380

BK,Dr J, BH - question on PK-PD DATA

all trials need pk-pd data - so it must be part of post trial analysis - in P2b - we had 215 patients - some 165 B patients

The trial ended in Oct - if the data is already collected in trials - how much time is needed to tabulate and analyze for submission?

John B

01/13/15 6:18 AM

#86457 RE: slcimmuno #86380

Thanks so much for posting this great recap to the Showcase. I really appreciate it! Your brother did a great job. Thanks!


01/13/15 6:49 AM

#86462 RE: slcimmuno #86380

slcimmuno, thank you to your brother and to you for sharing the perspective.

Because I was concerned about getting too excited to sleep I waited until this morning to read your re-cap and to listen to Leo's presentation. It was a good decision.

I lost count of how many times CTIX management said, "in 2015....". Given their proven track record of on schedule delivery it's hard to imagine what the CTIX landscape will look like by the end of the year.

And then there's 2016.


01/13/15 6:56 AM

#86463 RE: slcimmuno #86380

Excellent! And made it a sticky post. What a team!!! Replies can be clicked on to continue branching out.

Thank you and your brother. And Thanks to NR, KarinCA and IncubusNow. Can't wait to meet all of you and everyone else at our 1st shareholder meeting!

I can't begin to put a value to the network everyone has put together here for sharing. IMEASURABLE!!! And just Awesome!!


01/13/15 7:05 AM

#86464 RE: slcimmuno #86380

Wonderful post, I felt like I was in the room with you guys.


01/13/15 8:43 AM

#86484 RE: slcimmuno #86380

Very impressive. Many thanks.


01/13/15 9:30 AM

#86503 RE: slcimmuno #86380

Thank you for the detailed review.


01/13/15 1:51 PM

#86664 RE: slcimmuno #86380

If the conference panel felt...and the environment at the conference suggested...that we're experiencing a "bio bubble," then I personally think CTIX should get (partner) while the getting is good.

As with the bubble, once it popped, the VC money all but dried up.

As we're seeing with the drop in oil, two men and a dump truck were making a fortune in the Bakken during the boom; however, the money has quickly dried up.

Just my 2 cents from the cheap seats


01/15/15 9:34 AM

#87012 RE: slcimmuno #86380

Hi slcimmuno,

Nice coverage on CTIX. I too happened to be there during the discussion session and as I recollect, there was a mention about SAE.

A person was administered this medicine (unable to recollect Prurisol or Kevetrin) in the morning and in the night developed some complications. Later they weren't able to conclusively say whether the complication was due to this drug.

Do you recollect if it was Prurisol or Kevetrin ?

Appreciate your clarification.

Talc Moan

01/15/15 9:54 AM

#87018 RE: slcimmuno #86380

Thank You very much for taking the time to write this.

It was a mountain of wealth.

Have a awesome day!


01/21/15 3:33 PM

#88582 RE: slcimmuno #86380

SLC, thanks for posting this. much appreciated. I like your last observation that you think perhaps our Ctix managers were not into building the next Merck. never know where things will lead. Nothing is a straight line and for sure, companies get built in non-envisioned ways and I bet that the managers of merck and almost all other large concerns never really know, in the early days, where the heck the path might lead. In the case of ctix, with three platform technologies, there will be a time when the managers will follow, not lead, due to the pharma and health care demand that might coming banging through the front door of the ctix home, whether invited or not. At times with fabulous initiatives, the managers may think they are in control, but often they are merely in half or psuedo control and things take on a life of their own. .....but again, thanks for this recap.