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01/12/15 9:23 PM

#8624 RE: Bernie-UK #8623

I'm still in it. Added funds to my account today and trading my usual strategy that works for me.


01/12/15 9:48 PM

#8627 RE: Bernie-UK #8623

I'm small beans but still in, just don't see any reason to sweat the rocky ride right now and agonize over every dip/sway.
Lots of oddballs on the Ecig board anyway, makes it hard to actually read the informative stuff. I enjoyed reading your posts yesterday, Bernie. I really don't understand a lot still and find it good to read all views that are explained.
Won't be around a lot to keep an eye on the stocks much though,for the next few days, have an adult son who's having surgery Wed and I"m heading up to do the mom thing for a few days while he starts recovery. Not selling though. Not invested so much that I have to fret and I like watching what weird turns it's taking.