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01/07/15 10:30 PM

#19593 RE: RockoTaco #19592

That career opportunity was posted on their site as of yesterday. Hopefully your onto something.


01/07/15 11:11 PM

#19596 RE: RockoTaco #19592

By asking that question you obviously imply they don't need it because of the bunch of inbred hillbillies running the company right?

These are literally guesses at nothing about nothing based on nothing. And who cares who's yawning at what? The market yawned at AAPL last week. The market yawned at ISRG last week. The market yawns at every stock every week of every month of every year of every decade at any point in its history. I feel like I'm in the twilight zone here.

Some people remind me of this show on History Channel called 'Ancient Aliens.' Maybe some of you have seen it. It's bunch of 'scientists' that fill voids in time with makeshift cat sh*t theories. Can't find tools near the pyramids? Aliens built them. Why? Because of the lack of any evidence at all I will fill the void with my cat sh*t. Can't find info on Titan? JH + PH are burning the company down. Why? Because of the lack of any evidence at all I will fill the void with my cat sh*t.

No news doesn't mean fill void with cat sh*t. There's so much pseudo intellectual cat sh*t here that I want to barf. WE ALL HAVE NOTHING TO GO ON. STOP CREATING CAT SH*T!


01/07/15 11:41 PM

#19598 RE: RockoTaco #19592

I will reiterate I believe this board is in DIRE need of true analysis now more than ever - not speculation based on NOTHING. The panic on this board is so thick you can cut it with a knife.

I think that it's great news to point out that the accounting position is no longer listed. But it doesn't take a cat sh*t scientist to conclude that they either filled the position or they don't need it. That's truly irrelevant conversation. It's a puzzle piece you have in an infinitely large picture that you have no idea of the subject matter.

What I recommend to the moderators is that we create a time line of FACTS. Start 1 year ago: include insider trading, interviews, conversations with management, seeing mgt at shows, posting of job positions, point interviews, 52 week highs/lows, removing of job positions, updating of company slide show.

Something to give us a relevant timeline to truly track the facts of what we the people know.