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01/06/15 3:09 PM

#5732 RE: one4theroad #5731

Delisting I agree but there's a process to legally unwind a security. In the case you mentioned then yes that would and should hit the SEC's radar and an investigation is likely warranted imo.

But that's not the case here not even close. This security is accumulating tumbleweeds and dust not constant dilution to shareholder equity. For someone to say (not saying you) management is getting rich that is just preposterous and stupid.

We don't know anything about the recapitalization of the stock other than the obvious. Management claims the company is funded but by who or what? Management claims there's a depot in CO and a machine ready to be commercialized but where and when? What does soon mean? These are the questions management has not addressed and the stock price is a reflection of it.

Am I happy about having speculative dead money? Nope! But what I know is I sit on a .02 avg in a security that is priced accordingly with a decent share structure. So I wait because I hate losing money and and like most pennies this one will run again one day.

Sorry bud it's not directed at you just a bit frustrated with our hangover friend at the moment. Be well