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01/05/15 6:55 PM

#80432 RE: tomatotom #80431

There is a movement by legislatures to reap the benefits of lower gas prices by raising the gas tax.

In Holland we already pay €0.77 tax on every liter of gas. = $3.50/gallon. LOL.


01/06/15 10:08 AM

#80441 RE: tomatotom #80431

US Infrastructure is falling apart tomatom

However, the lower oil prices are having an effect on taxes. There is a movement by legislatures to reap the benefits of lower gas prices by raising the gas tax. The solution to this is to vote the democratic spenders/wasters out of office. The dems will never let an opportunity to raise taxes escape them.

Maybe you're from Europe and don't know this but in the US they haven't raised federal gasoline taxes form 18.4/gallon in 21 years. In the meanwhile inflation has averaged almost 3% per year so gas taxes are actually way down from 1993. Meanwhile we are trillions of dollars behind in rebuilding bridges and if you travel to the northern states that have frost the roads really suck. Besides a good bridge and road building program would create much needed jobs (and tax base)

It's not a right left thing. If you want to live in a nice place you have to pay your bills...otherwise places like Haiti and Somallia have very little government and really low taxes...but I don't want to live there.