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05/04/06 1:59 PM

#72522 RE: beam11 #72515

if RO knew who MABOT was they might be able to answer....LOL

Or are you referring to MOBOT because I see you used MABOT more then once. Guess you better go back to DD and see what companies your investment really owns......hehehe
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05/04/06 2:04 PM

#72525 RE: beam11 #72515

I certainly agree that the trend is going to be more powerful cameras on cell phones, some of which may rival today's better digital cameras.

Really, I was just focusing (hah) on the question of how camera phones work with bar code technology. A macro capability certainly solves the problem; autofocus would probably do better; for a variety of reasons, I wonder how much simply adding more pixels, while maintaining only fixed focus, solves the bar code reading problem.

Anyway, as I indicated, I don't think that there's resembling a serious technical or expense issue when it comes to approaches such as adding macro capability.

It's probably worthwhile to bear in mind, though, that cameras on phones DO suffer from certain disadvantages: they tend to require small lenses, and those lenses tend to be much closer to the sensor than on an ordinary digital camera, and the sensors themselves tend to be smaller. All of these affect image quality significantly, even if the number of pixels is the same as with an ordinary digital camera.

While I certainly expect cameras on phones to get a lot better than they are so far, I regard it as an open question just how good the average camera on such a phone will really get. The form factor of a cell phone is highly constraining, and its unclear how much the public will be willing to pay for high quality camera parts on a cell phone.

So, again, I just don't know exactly how this is going to play out, in terms of camera quality itself -- but bar code reading capability is easily possible.