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01/05/15 11:24 AM

#23656 RE: Shark Attack #23654

I am not sure how he is not suspended by BCSC yet, he just put another pr today that his non-licensed lab in WA signed a deal with producers.. How is that possible? I don't get it..

He is causing too much time and money to Abattis with his ego and low personality..


01/05/15 12:24 PM

#23660 RE: Shark Attack #23654

Back in the summer or fall when Douglas Socorro, who is an IP attorney and on Abattis's Board of Directors, was featured on the Abattis Report I admit I was a bit confused as to why the guy was being featured and talking about IP, it just seemed very far removed from Abattis's general direction. Although a few months later, with a better understanding of the situation surrounding the VDL technology and Terrasphere, the bigger picture begins to become a bit more clear. It's apparent Mike W. put all of these pieces together a while ago, and we're just now beginning to see where this is all going. The Phytalab lawsuit is really just the frosting on the cake of a much bigger situation. The fact the IP advice appears to be at least partially internally provided by a Director of the company is certainly a cost effective way of moving forward.

As a bit of an aside, the company with which Herbal Analytics announced a deal allegedly only handles medical products, which ironically enough do not require a license for testing in Washington. (BTW, I Googled the named of the alleged producer and couldn't find a phone number or a website.)

As another aside, I noticed the Abattis Report is no longer on Youtube...recall Health Canada put the clamps down on advertising by MMJ producers, and well, 1+1 might not always equal 2, but...perhaps there is a method to the madness.